
Showing posts from December, 2011

The "Programmer Informatician"

The field of health and biomedical informatics is ever changing, not only just in name (noticing perhaps the recent pre-pending of “health and”), but also by the individuals who are practitioners.  Review of early works in the field show many of the seminal pieces originated from doctors who understood the impact that technology could play in healthcare [1, 2].  As the field expanded and grew, it was perhaps natural that other healthcare providers (i.e. nurses and public health practitioners) realized the special needs that pertained to their unique practice and workflow.  With this realization blossomed a growth of sub-disciplines within HBI, to the point that nursing informatics and public health informatics are vibrant components of the broader HBI community, and large enough to warrant annual meetings. The growth, of course, is not limited to just a few disciplines within the spectrum of providing healthcare, but also to the side of those who are focused on health in...