Brought to you by the letter "B"

While poor time planning may be mostly to blame, I have also been quite busy the past few months with the new addition of a baby boy (our first child) to our household. Walking through the medical system in the context of delivery, follow-up and now pediatric care has given me some insight into those parts of healthcare. Previously my only personal interactions were the occasional office visit for check-ups. With no real complaints, I was more amazed at the amount of data being collected in the time prior to delivery, and the realization that my son has his own medical record number!

At home, my wife brought to light a potential area for growth in newborn care - driven more out of need than any formal proposal. Tracking feedings and diaper changes was something done at the hospital, and once we were home the feeding chart became a very valuable flowsheet of information. Currently it's been done on paper (don't worry, I have plans to develop an app!), but has given our sleep-deprived minds a break from having to know the last time our son ate, how well he ate, and how many times a week we've been able to try giving him a bottle. Having no experience in pediatric research, I wonder if this data collection could be of use regarding the normal progression of feedings with children?


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